You peer into a dank corner of the cave to find the goblin hoard - treasures and trinkets, artefacts, and wonders. You see BitterGoblin stood beside his Pumpkinhead figurine, he smiles at you.
"These are my trinkets, my treasures... things I've hoarded my entire existence. Surrounding myself with these material items brings me great comfort in a bleak and cold world. Please stay a while and look around..."
Mondo Shop Aaahh!! Real Monsters 3 Figure Set - Exclusive unboxing/review - (click here)
A little look at the new MondoShop exclusive Real Monsters collectors limited edition set!
Enamel Pin Collection (click here)
A small review of each of my little pins with images!

In the meantime you can click above to see some archived images of some of the caves posessions!