The creepy critters of a little Goblin

You creep into a part of the cave with luminous mushrooms and glowing lichen... up against the cave walls you notice a plethora of vivariums and cages, aquariums and glass jars full of insects, arachnids, leeches, birds, small mammals, amphibians and reptiles. You realise this is some sort of small menagerie.

You see BitterGoblin standing next to a tank, feeding a centipede... he looks over to you and softly exclaims;
"There's never been a point in my life where I've not been surrounded by various critters. Some of my happiest memories (outside of gaming) have been spent observing my hermit crabs, breeding my zebra finches, watching my cockatiel (Spit) dancing every time he'd hear 'Breathe' by The Prodigy, listening to my frogs and toads chirping all night along with the crickets so the entire cave emanates swamp noises, making puzzle toys for my rats, raising tadpoles into adult newts and frogs, feeding my leeches and watching them swim around, feeling the tickle of my millipede as she walks across my arm, witnessing my triops moult its carapace in front of my eyes... These are all special moments in the life of a Goblin and I'll take these fragments of experience with me to the gloomy end."

Click Here to meet some of the cave critters!