This part of the cave is currently under construction! Please do come back soon to meet all of BitterGoblin's extended critter-kin!
In the meantime if you check the cave walls, you can see a list of all BitterGoblin's past and present critter pals!

Penn and Teller (Terrapins) 1992-2000
Magic, Spit, Shimmer and Sparkle (cockatiels) 1992-2005
Norbert, Dagget, Rimmer, Lister, Baron Von Steam Beak and all their fledgling babies (Zebra Finches) 2002-2010
Beavis and Butthead (Bengal Finches) 2002-2010
Fido (speckled carpet shark) 2000-2010
Colony of Triops 2003-2010
Assorted nameless albino clawed salt water frogs 2000-2005
Phlegm, Sputum, Skankum, Cough and Vomit (Fire Bellied toads) 2000-2006
Dettol, Domestos, Harpic and Shovelhead (Giant whites dumpy tree frogs) 2001-2015
Klepto & Backpack (hermit crabs) 2001-2007
Nickadeemus (rat) 2000-2004
Bubonic, Ebola and Malaria (rats) 2004-2008
Jacoby (rat) 2004-2010
Peabody and Atlus (rats) 2011-2015
Yolandi and Dizzle (rats) 2015-2019
Fizzle and Rizzle (Gerbils) 2001-2005
Hamtaro, Hickling, Beistle and Voldo (Russian dwarf hamsters) 2001-2003
Skuttelina (Giant African train millipede) 2005-2010
Gregory (Chocolate millipede) 2010-2015
Ronka (Giant African train millipede) 2021-2023
Rothgar (Vietnam Giant Centipede) 2024-Present
Mantarok and Dagon (Italian Crested Newts) 2001-2017
Splorch (Marbled newt) 2021-Present
Temüjin (Egyptian Mau) 1999-2016
Oblina (Norweigan Forest Cat) 2009-Present
Mordecai (mog cat) 2017-Present
Buford (Cane toad) 2005-2011
Gunky, Lumpy and Stitch (Giant African land snails) 2005-2015
Leech colony 2010-2017
Madagascan hissing cockroach colony 2007-Present
Giant Pepper cockroach colony 2009-Present
Harlequin Cockroach colony 2005-2020
Banana cockroach colony 2005-2020
Deaths head cockroach colony 2006-Present
Turkistan cockroach colony 2006-Present
Dubia cockroach colony 2006-Present
Sun Beetle colony 2017-2020
Kratos (Goliath beetle) 2006-2007
Spindle (Rose hair tarantula) 2006-2021
Shao Kahn (Mexican red rump tarantula) 2007-2022
Wheatley (Western desert blond tarantula) 2011-2022
Ida (Rose hair tarantula) 2007-2024
Pataki (Singapore blue tarantula) 2009-2016
Hallow and Ween (stick insects) 2006-2008
Assorted nameless leopard slug colony 2006-2016
Assorted colony of nameless Skin beetles 2007-2010
Jenkins, Lovecraft, Acid and Tango (Poison Dart Frogs) 2004-2010